martes, 11 de octubre de 2011


Complemento nutricional y revitalizador completo. Destaca por su asimilable: Calcio, Complejo “B”, Magnesio, Vit. A, Zinc y otros.

Recomendable en casos de osteoporosis, artritis.

Combate la depresión.

Regula estabilidad emocional.

Sus más de 14 alcaloides proporcionan energía extra, aumentan el oxígeno celular y limpian el hígado graso.

Presentación: En envase de 250 gr. 

Traditional medical uses of coca are foremost as a stimulant to overcome fatigue, hunger, and thirst. It is considered particularly effective against altitude sickness. It also is used as an anesthetic to alleviate the pain of headache, rheumatism, wounds and sores, etc. Before stronger anaesthetics were available, it also was used for broken bones, childbirth, and during trephining operations on the skull. Because coca constricts blood vessels, it also serves to oppose bleeding, and coca seeds were used for nosebleeds. Indigenous use of coca has also been reported as a treatment for malaria, ulcers, asthma, to improve digestion, to guard against bowel laxity, as an aphrodisiac, and credited with improving longevity. Modern studies have supported a number of these medical applications.

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Spending time out (near a beach in Lima, Perú)

Spending time out  (near a beach in Lima, Perú)
That day we do enjoy our vegetarian meal, as always.